In 1139 Saint Malachy, an Irish archbishop, had a vision while in Rome after having been summoned there by Pope Innocent II. The prophecy essentially predicted the fall of the Catholic Church sometimes in the future, namely after Pope Benedict XVI's papacy.
The prophecy was stored in the Vatican Secret Archives and rediscovered in 1590. The first part was likely adulterated prior to its publication. However, the post 1590 segment appears authentic and is coming at a time of great turmoil for the Church. The last pope preceding the fall of the Vatican is described as 'Peter the Roman.' Pope Benedict is now 93. So, the so called End of Days for the Church could just be very close at hand if the prophecy is to be believed.
2. The Other Malachi Prophecy -- The Third Secret of Fatima
This prophecy talks about an apostate heretic pope that would challenge the papacy and rock the very foundations of the Christianity. Three days of darkness would be followed by a deep crisis of faith. As you listen, keep in mind that an antipope is not evil or satanic but an opposing non-canonical pope (i.e. heretic). In the past some antipopes have been supported by large factions of the Church.
The last Cathar Perfecti burnt alive by the Catholic Church (1321) predicted that Cathars would return in 700 years (bottom of page) when "the laurel will grow green again." That would be this year, 2021.
The Laurel Has Grown Green Again
Some Cathars survived the genocide by the Catholic Church without anyone apparently knowing. As of this date, August 2, 2021, none of the major sources of information on Catharism (Wikipedia,, the Catholic Church) seem to be aware of the existence of a place on Earth which has a name that literally translates in English to Land of the Cathars.
That land seems to have been hiding in plain sight, under a cloak of invisibility.
In an Islamic twist, a group (the Holy Brotherhood) built in it an expiatory church that outshines anything at the Vatican and which, unlike the Dome of the Rock story, was successfully consecrated by the Pope.
By pure magic, as in magi, Cathars seem to have a country of their own, Cathar Launia, and an organization, Vatican 2.0, fully consecrated by the Catholic Church itself!
Being expiatory, the newly consecrated church is even more powerful than the Vatican, which offers the forgiveness of sins. Expiation is the divine power of forgiveness plus the wiping out of sins as if they had never occurred.
That makes the Cathar Vatican the most powerful institution in Christendom today!
Ironically, the pope who consecrated the Cathar Vatican was the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith before his papacy. That was the office that was responsible over time for the fight against heresy, which began with the Cathar Genocide and continued as the various Inquisitions, and which is known for having burnt hundreds alive for simply refusing to convert.
The Catholic Church has fallen. It just does not know it yet!
4. The Jewish Prophecies
According to Jewish prophecies, the messiah would be Immanuel, meaning 'El (God) with us' and suggesting that he/she would be an angel as their names usually end with el (e.g. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, etc.). Jesus is not the name of an angel.
The messiah would also be of Bethlehem in Judea. Jesus is said to be of Nazareth in Israel.
According to the Book of Enoch, Jesus would be a Nephilim, being the son of a god born to a human woman. Nephilims were sons of the fallen angels who rebelled against God under the leadership of Satanael.
5. The Islamic 'Break the Cross' Prophecy
Many Muslims believe that, before the End of Time, Christianity would be abolished (see The Problem With the Islamic Apocalypse). This is slowly happening today. Christianity has committed a genocide, is mired in not only scandals but also cover ups....
If the 'cross is broken,' as the above prophecies suggest, then these are the Days of the Mahdi that the Hadiths speak of.
The Broken Cross - The Fall of the Catholic Church
The word Christ in Christianity comes from a Greek word meaning anointed, or having sanctity.
A thousand years ago, the branch of Christianity that had sanctity (Catharism) was destroyed by the main branch of Christianity which, by its own admission, lacked sanctity.
Mark 13:22 'for false christs and false prophets will arise, and will provide signs and wonders, in order to mislead' (Bible Gateway).
The true battle between Cathars and Cathols was Christ vs the Antichrist Sanctity vs the Lack of Sanctity.
The story becomes...
A 1,000 years ago, the forces of the Antichrist and the Christ faced off, with the latter losing. A 1,000 years later (2021), the forces of the Christ (the branch that had sanctity) are back and re-emerging with their own Vatican, fully consecrated by the Papacy, and exposing the truth, as per the prophecy.
7. Jesus the Prophet & Jesus the Messiah
Most scholars agree that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher. He preached that the end of the world was coming. The Christian clergy believes he was also the messiah. From Bible Gateway:
Matthew 24:3 "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, tell us, when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"
Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."
Matthew 24:30 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
Matthew 24:31 "And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."
"Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place." (Mark 13:30)
Jesus clearly prophesied that the end of the world would happen within a few decades at most. It did not. He was not a prophet. Within the same time frame, the messiah would resurrect the good and destroy evil, ushering an era of peace. That did not happen either. We have built thousand of nukes since then; we are war with Russia and on the brink of one with China; we are defunding the police; crime is rampant....
Jesus was neither a prophet nor a messiah.
8. Jesus the Son of God
According to scriptures, both Jesus and Peter performed miracles and died crucified. Which one was the Christ?
The earliest gospel was that of Mark (AD 65-70). Written in Greek, it begins with John baptising Jesus and ends at Mark 16:8 with Mary finding Jesus's tomb empty (of him). No virgin birth (evidence of divinity), no resurrection per se--an empty tomb or claim not being sufficient proof of it--and no post-crucifixion sightings (actual evidence of resurrection). Mark 16:9-20 was fraudulently added later to some translations of the Bible.
The Gospel of Matthew (AD 80-90), despite his being a disciple, is not an original first-hand account but a rewrite of Mark's with massive embellishments, among them the virgin birth like Melchizedek (divine priesthood) and sightings after his death. These are major pillars of Christianity that Mark would have known about had they taken place! The embellishments essentially raised Jesus to the status of God and empowered the Church immensely.
'Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners...' (Hail Mary prayer).
Luke's gospel (AD 85) is based on Matthew's, hence problematic. However, it still contains useful information as to who fulfilled John the Baptist's prophecy, the baptism with the Spirit.
John 20:19-23 asserts that Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit onto his disciples. However, this is not in any other gospel. Luke 24:49 describes his last words as telling his disciples to stay in Jerusalem till they are 'clothed with power from on high,' a reference to receiving the Holy Spirit. This is corroborated in Acts 1 and Acts 2* (the Pentecost) when Peter and the apostles receive the Spirit, after his death. This is further supported by Acts 8 where Peter bestows the Spirit onto someone. John 20 has no corroboration; the Pentecost is commemorated annually to this day.
[*Acts cannot have been authored by Luke as the ascension in his gospel (Luke 24:51) occurs on the day of resurrection while the beginning of Acts places it forty days later.]
This suggests that Jesus, himself, did not have the Spirit.
John's gospel (AD 90-100) is an evangelical book, a work of advocacy rather than a historical account. It is replete with additions, exaggerations, and biased interpretations typical of preachers and advocates as opposed to impartial historians. So are many of the various letters of the early Church. It is the only gospel telling the story of Jesus turning water into wine, a famous miracle.
There are 4 gospels but only 2 narratives (Mark's and John's) as Matthew's and Luke's works are embellished versions of Mark's story (synoptic gospels). The latter has 22 miracles; they add to it respectively 5 and 8 miracles ("The 37 Miracles of Jesus in Chronological Order." Sunny Hills Church, retrieved 22 November 2024, Neither narrative includes the miraculous birth, confirming the fraudulence of Matthew's gospel.
The synoptic narrative contains 31 different miracles. John's features only 8, 6 of which are not in any other gospel, hence likely to be fraudulent. As the last gospel, John's would normally be the most comprehensive. It matches only 2 miracles of the synoptic narrative, leaving 29 out of 31 as potentially fraudulent. Furthermore, one of the two (Mark 6:33-44) does not actually describe Jesus doing anything miraculous, leaving only 1 (Mark 6:45-52), which is told in only 3 of 4 gospels and has significant discrepancies between two of them. If 29/30 miracles were likely fraudulent, this one probably is also.
The resurrection is absolutely central to Christianity. The first gospel, written some 30 years after the fact, had no post-crucifixion sightings! Matthew and Luke embellished their gospels with respectively 2 (Matthew 28:8-10,
Matthew 28:16-20) and 3 sightings (Luke 24:13-31,
Luke 24:30-34,
Luke 24:50-51). John added another 4 (John 20:11-18,
John 20:19-25,
John 20:26-29,
John 21:1-14). As none of the 9 sightings match each other, in addition to their not being in Mark's original text, they are likely to be all fraudulent.
The story told by the Church was highly corrupted, if based on a historical figure. As the embellishments made the Jesus story and the Church much more powerful, the corruption was likely for power.
Despite the above and the fact that all gospels are unsigned and of unconfirmed authorship, the Church routinely refers to them as the Word of God!
"The primacy of the bishop of Rome is largely derived from his role as the apostolic successor to Saint Peter, to whom primacy was conferred by Jesus, who gave Peter the Keys of Heaven..." ("Pope." Wikipedia, 28 January 2024,
The Gospel of Peter suggests that the resurrection was faked. In the night before the visit by Mary Magdalene, two men came, dragged a third (Jesus) out of the tomb, while a fourth carrying the cross followed. The fourth would therefore have been inside the tomb with Jesus and rolled the stone out from the inside. Later, a fifth man went into the cave, presumably the young man that Mary saw. This fits perfectly with Mark's gospel. As such, Peter's narrative seem to be a natural continuation of Mark's writings (see also Mark’s Relationship With Peter Was the Foundation for His Gospel).
Presumably, Jesus faked his death on the cross. He was entombed with someone to tend to his wounds with the intention of reappearing later to his disciples as if returning from the dead.
According to Mark, the last words of Jesus were: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Jesus cannot be the anointed (i.e. the Christ) if God has forsaken him.
Jesus was not the Christ.
The Gospel of Peter (3-42) also states: "And they heard a voice from the heavens, saying, 'Have you proclaimed [preached] to those who sleep?' And a response was heard from the cross: 'Yes!'" ("The Gospel of Peter.", n.d., Those sleeping were the guards, and the man entombed with Jesus was a preacher, making both part of the fraud.
Jesus knew that Judas would betray him presumably not because he, himself, was a prophet but because he had planned it. This is supported by Jesus's anointing by Mary of Bethany (believed to be a prostitute) instead of by the Spirit and the insistence that he had to fulfill the Scriptures (Mark 14:3 & 14:49). Incidentally, Lazarus, the guy whom Jesus famously resurrected (only in John's gospel), was actually Mary's brother. In the Gospel of Judas, which reports on conversations happening only days before Jesus's arrest, his betrayal was described as if by design.
Simon Magus (the 'bad Samaritan') was a religious leader who converted people through trickery. In Acts 8, he offered money to Peter for his magic, the power to give the Spirit, but was rejected. In the apocryphal Acts of Peter, Simon's deception is exposed when Peter crashes him while he attempts flying.
Jesus used trickery. Over this, his disciples became apostles, rejecting his divinity (apost-asy, i.e. apostolic). Peter followed the truth. His gospel exposed the trickery of Jesus, just as he did for Simon.
Christianity promises the Resurrection of the Dead. If Jesus did not himself resurrect, there is no reason to believe that the Resurrection of the Dead can or will ever occur.
Many have risen from a coma or a brief death, but there is not one single documented instance in history of a decomposed body coming back to life.
Of all the events that transpired 2,000 years ago, two major religions presumably emerged. The main one seems to be based on a fraud, a blasphemy, a planned faking of the resurrection, and a god that appears to despise women and whose first fruits are virgin males (Revelation 14:4).
The end game in John's prophecy is the gift of the spirit. In Acts 8:14-24 Peter together with John are described as laying hands on someone who then receives the Spirit.
Peter had the power to give the Holy Spirit.
Peter renounced Jesus three times according to the Bible. Presumably, he did not want any part in a massive blasphemy. He went on to build a church based on God the Spirit.
The corrupt eventually prevailed. At the First Council of Nicaea (AD 325) the Conference of Bishops decided to eradicate the idea of reincarnation*. All references to it and copies of Peter's gospel would have been destroyed in its wake, except for one successfully hidden for two thousand years by the Essenes (the Dead Sea Scrolls). How could the first pope and leader of the Church leave no official gospel? 1 Peter & 2 Peter are believed to be inauthentic by most scholars.
[* from a personal source]
How did Peter, a guy who renounced Jesus the Son of God, end up with the Keys of Heaven and uncontested leader of the Church (at least as far as the papacy is concerned)?
If you are waiting for the resurrection, you may have to wait for a long time. If you want to go to heaven, Peter is the one who has the keys!
Christianity based its narrative on secondary gospels whose authorship is uncertain and whose source, Mark, was not a disciple or original apostle and does not describe a story of divinity, resurrection, and bestowing of the spirit by Jesus. It rejected the primary gospels of Mary, Thomas (Jesus's sayings), Judas, and Peter, which shows Jesus faking the resurrection ( We know of this primary canon because these most sacred texts were hidden by various sources and rediscovered in the last 200 years, not because of the Church had carefully preserved them in its archives.
The papal canon relies on secondary anonymous sources. It has nothing written by Jesus--the central figure of Christianity--and only two letters from Peter (believed by scholars to be inauthentic), the second most important figure in Christendom and leader of Jesus's apostles and the early Church after his death.
The Lord of Heaven
This brings us to Gerasa (Gadara in original version) where Jesus meets a naked man who lived in a cemetery and was possessed by a legion of demons (Mark 5). He attempts to exorcise him, but at their suggestion not to send them out of the region, he sends them instead into pigs, which immediately run over a cliff and die, resulting in a massive loss of food and revenue for the local (probably pre-Christian) community and leading to his expulsion from the region and being told never to come back. In Mark 14, a young man tries to follow after Jesus is arrested at Gethsemane, but, in a struggle with the guards, loses his garment before getting away naked.
In Gerasa Jesus, the Son of God, was stopped in his tracks and sent packing.
Demonology 101: Do not follow the advice of demons! Instead of being forced out of the flesh (an exorcism), Jesus 'gave them permission' to enter pigs. After having been released by death, the 2,000 demons were free to possess any human, 2,000 of them instead of just one, a terrifying prospect for the locals.
For someone to still be standing while being possessed by 2,000 demons points to a person of extraordinary strength, perhaps 'God' himself. He was not possessed because he was weak but presumably because he was their archenemy. Jesus made him his witness for the Decapolis region (perhaps related to Persepolis, Persephone...), i.e. a senior figure equivalent to his official witnesses for Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the rest of the world: the apostles (see Acts 1).
The Decapolis was part Nabataean. The two top gods of the Nabataean pantheon were Dushara (Lord of the Mountains or Dushara from Petra, also known as Roman Dis Pater, Rex Infernus, and Hades) and Baalshamin, the Lord of Heaven (Roman Ju-piter, or Sky Peter). Peter had the keys to Heaven! Peter is also the masculine of Petra, the name of the Nabataean capital.
Dushara was divinely associated with justice, hence Zedekian (divine priesthood). The last Zedek to be found in the Bible was Adonizedek (meaning king of justice), the King of Jerusalem who died in a genocide where 12,000 men and woman were killed by Israelites under Joshua. The town where it happened is now called Ai (Canaan), or heap of ruins.
Strangely enough, the Gerasene episode was interpreted by Thomas Aquinas (a foremost Dominican medieval theologian) as Christians having "no duty to animals", which explains why Christianity dropped the ball on the environment.
The Three Branches of Christianity
From the maelstrom of first century Christianity emerged three branches (Christian Denominations Family Tree). The Jewish Christian branch followed Mosaic laws and customs. It went extinct but formed part of the foundations of Islam later on.
The main branch was led by Paul, formerly Saul, a persecutor of Christians (see Acts 8). Persecution at that time ranged from expulsions and imprisonment to torture and execution. It followed the corrupt Gospel of Matthew, himself, an ex-tax collector. Paul (neither a disciple nor an apostle) went from persecutor (sending many Christians to be tortured and killed) to leading Christianity after a conversion preceded by three days of darkness (blindness). This Paulinist-Matthewsian religious branch which ends with an apocalypse was the one eventually chosen by the Council of Nicaea and professed by the Catholic Church.
The Gnostic branch was connected to Peter and the Essenes who had particular interests in angels and spirits. Acts 2 clearly connects Peter to the spirit and leadership of the Twelve. Acts 8: 9-25 (Simon Magus) describes Peter bestowing the spirit onto people by laying hands on them. So, Peter would have been the one baptising with the spirit that John the Baptist prophesied about, not Jesus. This Peterian Pentecostal spiritual branch was one of the roots of Catharism, the other half of Christianity. The story becomes...
John the Baptist was the prophet.
The baptism with the Spirit was the prophecy (Mark 1:8).
Jesus was a follower of John. He spoke of his prophecy but neither originated it nor fulfilled it.
Peter was the one who fulfilled the prophecy by bestowing the Spirit (Acts 8). He would have been the anointed one.
The facts that Jesus faked the crucifixion/resurrection and became worshipped as God suggest that he took the deal when tempted in the wilderness. So did a large part of his legacy.
About 700 years after the First Council of Nicaea, Pope Innocent III declared a war against heresy and led the Catholic Church into committing a genocide against the Cathars (Peter's Apostolic Spiritual Church which followed the spirit and rejected the resurrection), a genocide that begins with the massacre of 20,000 innocents (pacifist vegetarians) "regardless of rank, age, or sex" and ends after several hundred years of persecution of the Cathars and others (pagans, spirituals, healers, scientists, etc.) with the last Inquisition.
Assuming families of four, 10,000 children were murdered in the Bezier Massacre alone. How do you kill 5-year-olds, trample them with horses and leave them to die slowly, bash their heads with stones, or did the Cistercian blades cut their small bodies in half?
Pope Francis is between two masters: he can either cover up for and try to save an ungodly Church, losing his soul and bring down millions with him, or he can do the unthinkable. The former yields the same as in the past: more cover-ups, corruption, and power.
Today, Pope Francis finds himself in the unenviable position of being at the crossroad of prophecies.
Fatima's 'three days of darkness' may point to a sudden and shocking conversion of Pope Francis away from traditional Christianity.
The Laurel Growing Green Again
There are pockets of Cathars here in there in Northern Italy, France, and Spain still practicing their religion but mostly underground, and very likely some secret societies as well. Many on the Perfecti path found safety among the Franciscan friars, an order created by Francis of Assisi in 1209, the year of the Bezier Massacre.
They were of the more controversial spiritual faction of the Franciscans and believed in the vow of poverty at a time when the papacy was filthy rich and powerful, in science, and in three epoch: the Age of the Father, the Age of the Son, and the Age of the Spirit which began in 1260 and in which an "Order of the Just, composed of contemplatives and preachers, would supersede the institutional worldly Church" (Esoterica, How Alchemy was a Weapon Against the Anti-Christ - the Apocalyptic Prophecies of John of Rupescissa). The final showdown between good and evil would feature an angelic pope facing off against the Antichrist.
If the current Pope named himself after Francis of Assisi, he chose that path he is on.
Many Cathars were made landless by the Catholic crusade and ended up as migrant labour not always sure when they would eat--a cruel fate especially for the children. They would be virtually indistinguishable from today's Roma, and perhaps part of them also. Isn't it the fate you would expect to befall the 'children of God' in a profane world?
Like many of the destitute of Europe, an unknown number of them probably moved to North America after its discovery, hoping for a second chance. Many must have ended up in Quebec (the Invisible Minority of Canada), or other French-speaking parts of the continent. Quebec's national day on June 24th honours John the Baptist. Its two major shrines honour Joseph (Oratoire Saint Joseph) and Mary Magdalene (Cap de la Madeleine). In contrast, the Bogomils, a sister religion, honours the 'Blessed Virgin.'
9. The Fall of Gabriel
Luke's gospel names Gabriel as the angel that announced to Mary she would conceive a son by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38). If miracles don't exist as science would suggest, the story really is:
'Archangel Gabriel visits Mary; nine months later she gives birth to a son,' making Gabriel a fallen angel. In Islam, Gabriel (Jibril) is held to be the Holy Spirit and the angel who imparted the Koran to prophet Mohammad!
When angels fall from heaven, they lose their connection with God. The story they knew becomes interpreted slightly differently, materialistically. The Eucharist, a ritual representing the communion with God, reflects that.
At the last supper (Mark 14:22-24), Jesus gives a piece of bread to his disciple saying it represented his body. He then raises his glass, stating the wine represented his blood. Both are organic matter, rather than part material, part spirit as in body and soul or body and spirit.
The communion with 'God' involves communicating with a non-physical being, a spirit. The ritual does not lead to communing with God. Ironically, wine is a low-alcohol spirit.
Islam was created some 600 years after Christianity began. It recognizes Jesus but rejects his divinity and the resurrection, not too dissimilarly to Peter's branch.
Peter was at times called Cephas by Jesus. Both names mean stone or rock. A central part of Islam is the veneration of the Black Stone of Mecca. The practice goes back to pre-Islamic pagan times, and Muslims believe that touching it can expiate sins.
Pagan religions and today's pop culture believe that crystals have properties, but the forgiveness of sins is a moral act, not to speak of a divine prerogative. How can a radiation or a physical property erase a sin, a moral offense!
The worship of a inanimate objects in the belief that they have divine powers is both blasphemous and pure idolatry.
One the one hand, there is 'God'; on the other, there is a bunch of faithfuls. In between, there are the clerics. If these do not get along, whose fault is it?
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