
The Mecca of Angels - Waves of the Future

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The Mecca of Angels

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The Sons of Light, the Fallen Angels, and the Nephilims

Before the Deluge, semites were led by angels, the elohim. The story is told in the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch), the great grandfather of Noah of the Biblical Flood. According to early biblical scriptures, angels were offsprings of gods and goddesses who acted as "spiritual beings... intermediate between God and humanity" and were variously sent to the physical world as watchers, testers, and judges. Under Enoch, God talked to humans only through these messengers.

Enoch tells of a rebellion of some of the angels (the fallen angels) against God. Sent to Earth as watchers, they defied orders and had carnal interactions with human women who later gave birth to Nephilims, offsprings of gods and human women.

Elohim is "cognate to the 'lhm [or 'ilhm'] found in Ugaritic texts where it stands for the pantheon of Canaanite gods, i.e. the children of El, and conventionally vocalized as 'Elohim'" ("Names of God in Judaism." Wikipedia, 27 April 2024, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adonai#Elohim.). In Latin, 'nefas' means 'crime' (see nefarious). Nephilim (nef-ilhm) would mean 'criminal elohim,' i.e. fallen angels. In Norse mythology, the word Niflhel (derived from Niflheim) is the lowest level of the Underworld, i.e. the abyss.

Jesus, as the Son of God born to a human woman,
would be a Nephilim, and his father, a fallen angel.

The name of God in the original New Testament in Greek was Theou or Theos. Eos, presumably the corresponding female goddess, was known for having "a great sexual appetite... [and having taken] numerous human lovers for her own satisfaction... [and born] them several children" ("Eos." Wikipedia, 6 June 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eos.). In ancient cosmogony, chaos is what preceded the creation.

The Other Messiah Prophecy

The Book of Revelation, which described future events, talks about a War in Heaven in which fallen angels, led by Satan, attacked the angels loyal to God, led by Archangel Michael, and were condemned to the abyss till the End of Time.

A similar story is echoed in the Dead Sea Scrolls, of which the War Scroll describes a future conflict between the Sons of Darkness, led by Belial, and the Sons of Light, led by Melchizedek, the nephew of Noah according to the Second Book of Enoch (2 Enoch).

In the story, El is God, Melchizedek, a messenger (i.e. an angel), "is the Anointed one," i.e. the Christ ("11Q13, The Melchizedek Document." Wikipedia, 13 October 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melchizedek_document.). Very likely, both these stories refer to the same event, meaning Belial would be Satan.

In the angelic prophecy, El is God, Melchizedek is the savior,
and the anointing comes from the Spirit.

Since Peter had the power to bestow the Spirit,
he would have been the one anointed by the Spirit at the time of Jesus.

The Name of God

Typically, the names of archangels end with el, e.g. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, etc. El (Eloah or Elah in Aramaic) is the name of God.

El-ijah is generally translated as God is the Lord (i.e. Yahweh for Jews). Similarly, Beth-el and Immanu-el (the 'messiah prophecy') are translated as 'House of God' and 'God with us' respectively.

As such, El (the god of angels) is God. Yahweh (god of Israelites) and its nemesis Baal were lower entities subordinate to El. Confirming this is their listing on Wikipedia as children of El. El is also referred to El Elyon, or 'God Most High.'

Yah (as in Yah Weh), Jah, Baal, and Yodh all mean lord. A double Yah, Yah-Yah, means Lord of lords, i.e. God. The use of single Yah and Baal further confirms that they were junior or lesser gods rather than God. These were usually human kings.

In an ancient Ugaritic text, the Canaanite storm god Baal is at war with its archenemy, the sea god Yam, and later on with Mot (or Maweth), the god of the underworld. Baal is believed to be Hadad (Greek Zeus), and Yam would be Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas. Yahweh, the nemesis of Baal in the Canaanite war is therefore likely to be Poseidon of the Greek Pantheon.

Elohim is the plural of El. Pluralization is sometimes used as an epithet of royalty (pluralis majestatis). As such, in capitalized form with singular verb, it translates to God (El). Otherwise, it is plural and refers to the children of El (angels or gods). In literal translation, the first book of the Bible (Genesis 1) reads, 'In the beginning, Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth...' (God or Gods? The Many Faces of God in Ancient Texts).

In Judges 6 (Interlinear Bible), El and Eloah in Hebrew are translated to God. Elohim is translated to God or gods, and Yahweh, to Lord. In Judges 6:26, the expression "Lord thy God" is translated from "Yahweh Elohim of you." Yahweh was the god of the Jewish family.

The letter 'l' is typically associated with angels, while 'd' in pronunciation tends to be linked to Dyeus (the Indo-European day-light sky god), Dieu (French), Zeus (derived from Dyeus), Jupiter (Djous patēr), diety, divine, and possibly Jews (Djous). In English it is 'g' as in God and Ghost (Holy Ghost).

The Elohim of the Jews

In the War Scroll, Melchizedek is the elohim of the Jews. Melchizedek is also described as being 'by his strength' the judge of the 'holy ones of God' (i.e. the priests and religious clerics). Belial is associated with spirits that rebelled. With the 'gods of justice', it is said, Melchizedek will defeat Belial, save many from its grasp, and bring final peace. In the end, the Sons of Light (angels loyal to El) and men of Melchizedek (the Just) will be rewarded. Belial is said to have three nets: "fornication, wealth, and pollution of the sanctuary" ("Belial." Wikipedia, 8 February 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belial.).

Melchizedek, King of Salem (Jerusalem), was the high priest of El. He was better known for having accepted Lot and his tribe as refugees after their rescue from the King of Elam by his uncle Abraham. The latter was blessed by Melchizedek in the name of the supreme god El (Genesis 14) and paid tithe to Melchizedek so he and Lot could settle in his land. This sets El and Melchizedek above Yahweh and Abraham, in line with all of the above.

When Yahweh through Abraham gave Canaan (pehaps the land of Cain, modern day Israel and parts of Jordan) to the Israelites in the Covenant of the Pieces, he set in motion a series of events that led to the violent conquest of Canaan and the Levant by Joshua, multiple genocides, and the killing of the last Zedekian king of Jerusalem, Adonizedek.

The Book of Joshua relates the story, starting with destruction of Jericho and continuing with the massacre of 12,000 souls, men and women, and total annihilation of Ai (Canaan), their city, and its king.

Catharism professes that people are angels
and would therefore be associated with
the Spirit, the Elohim, Melchizedek, and the Sons of Light.

The God that Matters

The words Aides, Adon (Lord), Adonai (My Lords), and Adonis are all closely related. Adonai was one of the seven names of God in Judaism. Adonis was the "mortal lover of the goddesses Aphrodite and Persephone. He was famous for having achieved immortality" ("Adonis." Wikipedia, 22 July 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adonis.); i.e. Adonis was Hades in the flesh. Sdk, or Sydyk and Zedek, was a Phoenician god, son of from Amunos and Magos, themselves offsprings of Wanderers or Titans ("Sydyk." Wikipedia, 20 August 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydyk.).

Wanderers is what Nabateans were also called as they traded between cities, crossing deserts navigating by the stars (Washington Post, Rock of Ages, Dec. 03, 1995). As such, the Titans of ancient Greek myths would have been Nabateans.

The Greek pantheon was comprised of 12 gods, all living on Mount Olympus except for the one ruling the Underworld (the Afterlife). As a result of the Titanomachy--a decade-long war in Ancient Thessaly in which the Olympian gods led by Zeus (Dyeus) rebelled, overthrew their father Cronus and the Titans, and seize power (the castration)--Zeus became proprietor of the sky, Poseidon, of the waters, and Hades, who did not take part in the rebellion, was given the Underworld (from then on called Hades).

The Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus, a part of the Underworld called the abyss which was a "dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked" ("Tartarus." Wikipedia, 22 August 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarus.). In contrast, Hades was a place of judgement where only the wicked were punished.

2 Peter 2:4 (Literal Standard Version):
'For if God did not spare messengers having sinned, but having cast [them] down to Tartarus with chains of deepest gloom, delivered [them], having been reserved to judgment'

Jesus (Je-Zeus), the claimed son of Zeus (the god of Heaven) would therefore be linked to Tartarus, the abyss, rather than Hades (the Afterlife) which provides for life eternal and reincarnation.

The Zoroastrian pantheon of Persia had 11 gods and one angel, Rashnu, the Angel of Justice and keeper of the bridge between life and the afterlife. This mirrors the Greek pantheon with its gods on Olympus and Hades. Hades would therefore be the Rashnu of Persia, not only an angel, but one of the priestly Zedekian line since the suffix 'zedek' translates to righteousness, i.e. justice. He would also be the one guarding the Gates of the Afterlife.

Persian priest-gurus were once called Magi
and were known for their expertise in astrology.
Magos is the Greek word for magi (magus).

In the Jesus story, the fallen angels are the ones imprisoned in the abyss. In the Greek pantheon story, it is the good angels, the Titans, that are sent to the abyss. The gods are the ones who violently rebelled, making them the fallen angels of the Enochian story and the Sons of Darkness of the War in Heaven. After the Titanomachy, Zeus and the gods began another war, the Gigantomachy....

While we may disagree on reincarnation,
the god that matters is the one we meet in the afterlife.

The House of God

Bethel, Luz, and Ai are three of the most significant biblical locations after Jerusalem. They are all within 3 km of today's town of Deir Dibwan. When Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, visited the area he dreamed of angels travelling up and down a ladder between Earth and Heaven (Jacob's Ladder), a stairway to Heaven. He called the place Bethel, took the name Israel, and became the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.

And he [Jacob] was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!" (Genesis 28:17)

The name Bethel (or Beit El), often translated as the House of God, literally means House of El and is where Jacob built his altar to El. Therefore, his god would have been El. That was the same area where Abraham built an altar to Yahweh in Genesis 12.

Luz, a royal city in Canaan, is identified as Bethel in three different books of the Bible (Judges 1:23, Joshua 18:13, Genesis 28:19 & 35:6). In Judges 1:23 and Genesis 28:19, Luz is the former name of Bethel. Recent excavations suggest Ai could be Khirbet el-Maqatir near Deir Dibwan. It may also have one of the many other other ruins in the area (Et Tell, Khirbet el-Haiyan, etc.). In Joshua 12:9, Ai is said to be beside Bethel.

Both Luz and Ai were important royal cities. Had they been separate, there would have been historical references to twin kingdoms side by side. Ai, which means a heap of ruins, might be Luz.

Deir Dibwan literally means 'The Monastery of the Divan.' Divan or dewan is a word of Persian origin meaning a high-ranking official or ruler. The word itself is almost the same as the English 'divine' and French 'divin.' Very likely, it would have been the equivalent of pope. As small towns don't have popes, Deir Dibwan would have been originally the crowning jewel of Luz. At the highest of point of the plateau on which Deir Dibwan sits is a ruin called Ed-Deir (the Monastery) by locals.

Luz means 'almond' in Hebrew but could also refer to Latin 'lux' for 'light.' Melchior literally means king of light. Melchior was the King-Magi of Persia in the Jesus story. While the birth narrative is likely to be false (see Messiah), the characters in it would have been authentic as they established Jesus's status. Lux is also the root of the word enlightenment and the concept of Sons of Light. As Judaism has no official monastic tradition and magi was the word used for Persian priest-gurus, 'Luz' would likely come from the Indo-European 'light' rather than the Hebrew 'almond.'

In some books of the Bible, Luz was the stuff of legends, being associated with the immortality:

Luz... which Sennacherib entered but could not harm; [which] Nebuchadnezzar [marched against], but could not destroy; the city over which the angel of death has no power; outside the walls of which the aged who are tired of life are placed, where they meet death (Luz, jewishencyclopedia.com, n.d./May 29, 2024).

Luz may have been the birthplace of a counter-cultural movement to religions which coalesced in the 18th century as the Age of Enlightenment and "centered on the value of knowledge learned by way of rationalism and of empiricism and political ideals such as natural law, liberty, and progress, toleration and fraternity, constitutional government and the formal separation of church and state" ("Age of Enlightenment." Wikipedia, 10 June 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment.).

After his dream, Jacob continued on his journey. In Genesis 35:16-20, he is called back by God to settle in Bethel. He then travels on to a Judean town called Ephrath where Rachel, one of his two wives, dies giving birth to Benjamin. Rachel's tomb can be found today at the northern entrance to a place called Bethlehem, the new name of Ephrath. Bethlehem is famous for being the argued birthplace of Jesus of Nazareth as well as of King David (Yahweh) and Elhanan, an angelic deity (El Hanan), of the famed 'David and Goliath' story.

The Books of Exodus and Joshua in the Bible tell how Moses wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died before reaching the promised land. Joshua (a.k.a. Yehoshua, Jeshoshua, Josue, as well as Yeshua and Jesus), of the tribe of Ephraim, son of Joseph, was his successor. At the prompting of Yahweh (see Joshua 1, 7, 8), he violently conquered Canaan and the other lands promised to Abraham, again by Yahweh (Genesis 12), under the Covenant of the Pieces. In Judges 1:23 the House of Joseph is said to have destroyed Bethel, perhaps over disagreements between Jacob and Joseph over the latter's succession.

Bethlehem is translated by scholars as the 'House of Bread.' However, since Jacob was with the House of El, Bethel, Bethlehem would likely be 'Beit-Lhm,' i.e. the House of the Elohim or House of the Children of God (El) where an angel by the name of Immanuel (meaning El with us) was to be born (Isaiah 7:10-16). Very likely, Ephrath got renamed to Bethlehem as a result of the surviving descendants of Jacob moving to the Judean city, among other places, after Bethel's destruction.

Jesus son of Joseph would have been of the House of Joseph,
which is responsible for the massacre of Ai.

There were two branches of Judaism, the angelic one following God (El) was associated with Bethlehem. The other one followed Lord (Yahweh), a god of war associated with the violent invasion of Canaanite lands.


The myth of Lucifer's fall from Heaven stems from Isiah 14:12. Most scholars agree today that the passage was misapplied to Lucifer in the Vulgate (400 C.E.) and King James Bibles ("Lucifer." Wikipedia, 24 June 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer.):

"O Lucifer, son of the morning!" (King James Bible).

"O star of the morning, son of the dawn!" (New American Standard Bible).

The passage spites the King of Babylon--probably Nebuchadnezzar II who destroyed Jerusalem's First Temple and enslaved the Jews--not Lucifer. 'Luci' stands for light, and the word Lucifer means 'light bearer' or 'light bringer' and can be confused with the planet Venus, the morning star, also referred to as light bringer as it rises at dawn before the sun.

Isaiah 14 was portraying Nebuchadnezzar rising to Heaven and being cast out of it (as a result of his arrogance), similarly to the planet Venus seen rising at dawn but falling at dusk (see Lucifer).

In John 8:12, New Testament, Jesus calls himself the 'light of the world.' There are also multiple other references to Jesus being the light in the corrupt gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John (see Light of Christ).

2 Peter 1:19 says about Jesus:

"And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts" (New American Standard Bible).

"et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem cui bene facitis adtendentes quasi lucernae lucenti in caliginoso loco donec dies inlucescat et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestris" (Latin Vulgate Bible).

Even today, the Church still refers to Jesus as lucifer in one of its most sacred chant, the Easter Proclamation in Latin:

"Flammas eius lúcifer matutínus invéniat: ille, inquam, lúcifer, qui nescit occásum. Christus Fílius tuus..." ("Exsulted." Wikipedia, 12 September 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exsultet.).

The first six minutes of this video by Robert Sepehr (an anthropologist known for fairly edgy theories) argues that Luciferianism has it origin in secret Catholic societies and features the chant live in Saint Peter's Square in 2014: "The Luciferian Doctrine Explained - ROBERT SEPEHR."

Lucifer is never called the Devil in the Bible, but Satan is, repeatedly. The words satan and devil are both etymologically linked to the word 'accuser' and are associated with temptation. Satan, for example, is identified as the serpent in the Garden of Eden and as the tempter of Jesus in the wilderness.

Satan was probably the angel known as Satanail (or Satanael), who became known as Satan (losing the angelic suffix 'el') after he fell. In the Second Book of Enoch, Satanail was the leader of a group of angels that rebelled against God and tried to "establish his own throne above God's" ("2 Enoch." Wikipedia, 9 May 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2_Enoch.). The same group of angels is later responsible for tempting Eve into disobeying God in the Garden of Eden and thus being cast out of Heaven. Eve (Eve-el) would therefore be a fallen angel.

The Children of Hell

'Il' is the French (a Latin language) third person singular masculine pronoun (i.e. 'he' in English). It is also an alternative spelling for El (God). 'Elle' is the feminine equivalent and a perfect homophone for El.

Hell is an eternal afterlife of punishment in Christian and Islamic religions. However, in Eastern mysticism, it is an intermediary place between reincarnations. Religions for which the afterlife is non-punitive (for example, Mesopotamian Kur, Greek Hades, and Hebrew Sheol) see it as the abode of the dead ("Hell." Wikipedia, 1 August 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell.).

Hel (also spelled Hell or Helle, perhaps She-el), coincidentally, is the female goddess of the Underworld in Norse mythology. Like Tartarus and Hades, the name represents both a god (goddess) and a place, the Underworld.

Angelical mysticism has both male (El) and female (Hel) dieties. In contrast, all of Judaism (Yahweh), Christianity (Jesus), and Islam (Allah) have male gods only. In French, 'hell' translates to 'enfer' (from Latin infernus, or underworld). Shockingly, the French call their own children 'enfants'! This points to ancient Latin mythology viewing the Underworld as a transit place between life and death and death and life, i.e. reincarnation.

In French, male and female pronouns (il, elle)
are cognate with their angelic dieties (El, Hel).
Children (enfants) are named after the Afterlife (enfer).

The French pronoun 'nous' ('us' in English) means 'mind' in Greek and is almost synonym with God in some philosophical systems ("Nous." Wikipedia, 30 June 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nous.). At the time of Jesus, it was the substance of God ("Apollonius of Tyana." Wikipedia, 13 September 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollonius_of_Tyana.).


En-light-enment is associated with the truth and sudden realizations. These are often at the root of scientific breakthroughs or profound understanding of oneself or life. They free us from slavery to the physical world (diseases, poverty, etc.) and the prison of ignorance (falsehoods, taboos, religious dogmas, etc.). Epiphanies are realizations or little bits of clarity, truth, or enlightenment.

In Christianity the Spirit is a messenger of God which enlightens and provides clarity (Acts 1:2; John 14:16; John 15:26; John 16:7) and is one of the three gods of the Trinity.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

"Truly I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons and daughters of men, and whatever blasphemies they commit; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin." ("Mark 3 NASB." Bible Gateway, n.d., https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2018&version=NASB.).

This suggests that the Spirit is more powerful than God,
which is reinforced by the fact that in the Trinity above, the Spirit is holy.
Furthermore, of the three, the Spirit is the one associated with eternity.

The Spirit has a strong association with light. At times it is even called the Source of Light or the Lord of Light (examples, hymntime.com, blessedcatholicmom.com, humnary.com). Both Yahweh and Jesus are often given the title of Lord. Both are also called gods. In French, the Spirit is often referred to as Dieu de Lumiere (God of Light). The Great Spirit was the original 'god' of most First Nation peoples of Canada and the US.

The Holy Spirit would be the god of Light.
He would also be the god of Lux, the City of Light,
and the god of Melchior, the King Magi of Light.

Science is a non-religious tool or method that edges us ever closer to the truth. It is not prayers or religions that took us to the Moon; it is science. It helps us understand the laws of the material world so we can survive it (e.g. agriculture, engineering, chemistry, medicine, etc.) and improve our living conditions.

Following the truth, science has proven the biblical creation narrative to be false.
The papacy has burned scientists alive for pursuing the truth.

Spirituality and science tend to be secular and pacifist while dogmatic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have all committed genocides under the leadership of their priesthoods and are still at war.

The Light of Creation & The Origin of the Soul

In the Nicene Creed, the Spirit is called the 'Lord, the Giver of Life' ("Holy Spirit in Christianity." Wikipedia, 13 June 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Spirit_in_Christianity.).

Light is the source of life. Without light, there is no vegetation, no animals, no life on Earth, except perhaps around volcanic vents deep in oceans. Without it, the planet would be a chunk of rock on which nothing lives. Furthermore, everything in the universe would be pitch black and deadly cold (-273 C or -459 F).

Matter without light is dead.

Matter traps light.

More to come...





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